
Reiki is a hands on healing technique. The word ‘Reiki’ means ‘Universal life energy’ in Japanese and can be broken down into ‘Rei’ meaning spiritual awareness and ‘ki’ meaning the life energy which runs throughout the Universe.

Reiki utilises the Universal life force that is present in and around all living things and channels it through the practitioner to the person receiving the treatment. It is not associated with any religious beliefs and only requires an acceptance of the intentions of loving Universal energies and a desire to heal others with an open heart.

The practitioner does not need to purposely channel the energy whilst practicing Reiki as the healing energy automatically goes to where it is most needed – the Universe know best! This means that the practitioner is not actually a healer but merely a willing channel for healing energy. This also means that since there is a mingling of energies, the practitioner will themselves benefit from the healing. It also means that it is possible for the practitioner to pick up any negative vibrations from the client and so good grounding techniques are required at the end of the session.

Becoming a Reiki practitioner is really an initiatory process which is passed from a Master to a student and requires, apart from the theory and techniques, a number of ‘attunements’. These come in the form of 3 degrees and should only be accepted from genuine Masters.

There are many thoughts on how Reiki works and in the end it doesn’t really matter; only the desire to help in another’s healing process is important. It is interesting to note that the idea of the Universe knowing best sometimes means that, during a session, no healing will take place. This is because one of the first things the practitioner does before beginning the session is to ask the Universe to provide the healing and sometimes it decides that it is not appropriate at this time. The reason for this may not be clear but the Universe only does things which are in our best interest.

My own thoughts on how Reiki works boil down to the fact that all matter is energy which is vibrating at various frequencies. Indeed there is nothing in the Universe that is not energy. When problems occur within the body/mind they are due to what I call ‘bad vibrations’. This means there is a difference between the natural frequency of, for example, the particular part of the body causing the problem, and the actual frequency. This causes dis-ease and ill health.

Often when a person is sick, their ability to heal naturally is hindered because of their inability to open their heats and minds to the Universal energies. It is the job of the Reiki practitioner to be the go-between for them. By positioning themselves between the client and the Universal energies the practitioner can be tuned to both the client’s vibrations and the greater Universe thus allowing healing energy to pass through into the client. This is why you as the practitioner, feel both the vibrations from the client and the Universe.

There are advanced techniques which are able to heal at a distance and use special symbols which are learned and received during attunements though I have found that these are not as successful as the usual hand off methods. I say hand off because there is no physical contact during s session. The hands are placed a few inches from the body. 

I hope I have said enough to get you in the mood and hope you can benefit from this wonderful form of healing.



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