Gnostic Luciferianism

 Gnostic Luciferianism

All of reality is One Divine Essence manifesting as particular diverse forms in a massive web of dynamic interdependency. All that manifests may be understood as patterns of energetic vibration, from common objects to spiritual beings.

This Divine Essence is experienced as pure consciousness as consciousness pervades all experiential existence.

There is no separation between the spiritual and the physical. This Divine unity in diversity is embodied beautifully in Levi's art depicting Baphomet and in the Hermetic maxim of "That which is above is like that which is below to achieve the wonder of the One thing."

As there is no separation between material and spiritual, scientifically verifiable natural laws are Divine Laws part of the Divine Will, and science a tool for us to better know and refine spiritual knowledge and destroy illusions.

The diverse forms the Divine energy manifestations includes ourselves and the beings we variously call specific deities, demons, spirits, etc. The difference between humans and such beings is that deities and other spirits simply exist in higher dimensions relative to our own perception.

Myths regarding such beings should not be seen as literal truths regarding historical events but as sacred allegories teaching mystical truths.

The central beings worshiped in Gnostic Luciferianism are Lucifer and Lilith as complementary manifestations of the Divine masculine and feminine, various demons, and land spirits who act as spiritual guides and teachers to humanity. *Lucifer is the bearer of the Divine Light of Knowledge to mankind. He embodies destruction of illusion, he ignites the Black flame of Wisdom within the Self that burns away our falsehoods, that liberates us from the bonds of our social conditioning and our narratives, allowing us to see reality as it is. He is the dark and radiant Gnostic Christ. He is One with Divine Transcendence.

Lilith is the initiator into sensual grounded being, she is defiant sensuality, the dark womb from which all things spring, the embodiment of feminine equality and justice in a world that seeks to enslave, she is emotion and passion, the celebration of the totality of existence. She is the dark and defiant Sophia. She is One with Divine Immanence.

In union Lucifer and Lilith embody the goal of Left Hand attainment: Immanent Transcendence. Fully Embodied Liberation.
In Gnostic Luciferianism the Demiurge is nothing but the Divine embodiment of ego, the lower self, here defined as that aspect of Self that produces a sense of separate, disconnected identity. In so doing it creates a "world" of illusions that keep us enslaved to it.
Lucifer, in relation to the Demiurge, IS Satan in this tradition. He is the preeminent accuser or adversary ("ha Shaitan) of that being. The particular form of the Divine known as the Devil or Satan is nothing more than a particular dark form Lucifer takes in relation to the Demiurge. This is a title he has earned and that history has associated with him for over 1000 years. And it is almost purely via that association and identification that anyone even knows the name Lucifer.

The practice of Gnostic Luciferianism is embodied in the mysteries of Traditional Witchcraft. It embraces Magick as the practice by which the Divine Self enacts its will upon the Divine substance of reality. These practices of witchcraft include spellwork, work with spirits, divination, dreamwork, and herbalism.

The practice of Gnostic Luciferianism is "Left Hand," that is, it embraces the use of acts that transgress or break accepted social rules regarding spirituality.

This is done for a few reasons:

a) coming from a nondual perspective where all things are considered Divine, even that which disgusts, the liberated individual is free to spontaneously engage in actions without socially constructed shame.

b) such acts are ritually engaged to intentionally break social conditioning and identification of self with socially conditioned narratives.

c) engaging in acts that "blaspheme" the practices of a dominant spiritual institution allows the initiate to tap into the reservoirs of power those institutions contain and transmute them to their purpose.

The morality of Gnostic Luciferianism flows directly from its nondual understanding of the world. Since all beings are Divine whether they recognize it or not, and all are enacting the unfolding of an interdependent process, one who recognizes their own Divine nature acts accordingly. One does not act according to predetermined "thou shalt nots" or under threat of eternal punishment, nor does one act from a place of egoistic reaction, but freely responding, judging the rightness of action in specific context from a place of fullness and security that is the only place from which genuine compassion, love , and kindness can flow. 

~ Shenarah


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