Magic Eyes, awakenings and quantum leaps

‘You have eyes yet you cannot see’. I’m not sure where that quote comes from but it is so true on many different levels. For years now, I have accepted the ideas connected with the wave/particle oddity that exists at the quantum level and how it leads to the notion of an observer created reality, and I still do. Now I feel I have gained a leap forward in my understanding of how this might work. This realisation came in the form of a small enlightenment moment I recently had concerning Magic Eye images and this all came about by pure accident. Or did it?

It can be fascinating to trace an idea back to its source, winding your way through myriad causes and effects and I would have to say that my realisations seemed to start with one of my Facebook friends mentioning the subject of Sacred Geometry, and I wish to thank her for planting this seed. I realised that although I had studied many things throughout my life which were connected to metaphysics and spirituality that I had never touched sacred geometry. I don’t know why though it was probably because I wasn’t ready for it. Anyway, at this time I still didn’t do anything about it until I watched part of Jordan Duchnycz’s wonderful Youtube series called spirit Science; part six to be precise.  Now the seed was being watered, in a big way and my interest blossomed from there onwards. (And probably upwards as well!)

This led me to search hither and thither, through the marvellous medium of google for anything connected to sacred geometry and the Flower of Life. One of the seemingly small yet nonetheless interesting things I came across was a post on a forum which didn’t say much at first glance though, at the time, I didn’t read it all because I was fascinated by the inclusion of the picture, shown above. A magic eye picture no less. Now I had come across these when they first burst onto the scene back in the 90s and recall my frustration at never being able to see the images. Many of my friends could see and tried to teach me how but no matter what I did I couldn’t see anything but the seemingly random and chaotic mass of colours.

I also misread the first few lines of this posting which said that the answer to what the image was could be seen at the bottom of the posting. When I started to scroll down, the next image was the Flower of Life and I immediately thought that was what was contained within the magic eye picture. Wow, I thought! Still couldn’t it though, but I thought it might be a cool image to share on the one of the Facebook groups if that was the case and see if anyone else could see it. So I did and it became clear that the FOL could not be seen.

Some time later I decided to have another look at the image and all of a sudden, as if a veil had been lifted, I could see the image. It was a mini enlightenment to me. I was immerged into this 3 dimensional world that I didn’t know existed even though others had told me that it did. Hmm, sounds familiar! I was ecstatic and searched for more images to look at and found I could now see them all clearly. The world had changed for me; on one level.

Now, during my next meditation session, I indulged in a little quantumplation around this subject and this is where I realised how the wave/particle problem can be explained using observer created reality theories. As I have mentioned before and as many of you already know, quantum physics has showed that the Universe is composed of atoms which are composed of smaller particles, or quanta. The odd thing about them is that when not being measured (or observed) they behave like waves and when being measure they behave like particles. Look up the double slit experiment to see this in action. So the conclusion is that reality only exists in its apparently physical form when it is being acted upon by consciousness. I have always thought that if I were alone in a room and I closed my eyes then the room would disappear and be replaced with a swirling mass of energy waves; waves of potential reality. I can’t prove this of course but that doesn’t really matter, but now I think I know what is going on.

I believe, as many of you do, that there is only one consciousness in the Universe. In fact the Universe IS consciousness. One mind; One being (or non-being if you like!). So Oneness is present in everything. Why then does the wave/particle oddity occur if consciousness is everywhere? I think the vesica pisces holds the answer. This is the first movement of consciousness into the realm of creation. The interlocking of the first two circles. The reality manifests from the perspective of both in combination. This suggests to me that although reality contains, and ultimately IS Oneness consciousness it requires an observation from the perspective of ‘individual consciousness’ in combination with the One in order to create expected, or consensus, reality.

Each of us is a projection of Oneness consciousness into the illusion of individuality consciousness. When these two combine, reality is created. With magic eye images, the reality of the image is only revealed when each eye looks at the same thing from slightly different perspectives, as if it were being observed by two different but connected observers. It is interesting to note that whenever I look at the Flower of Life, my eyes seem to want to see more than is apparently visible in the same way as when looking at the magic eye images.

There is more to this than meets the eye!



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