Ritual Paraphernalia


Book of Shadows
The paraphernalia or tools that could be used by witches and magickians can be divided into two categories, those that are potentially useful and those that are actually pointless. The distinction as to which are useful can only be appreciated by study, experimentation and a suspense of belief. If any item does not do what it says it does on the label then throw it away, have a cup of tea, and start again.
That said, let's get down to it.

The Wand

The wand is a standard weapon of both the witch and the magickian and can be said to represent the element of AIR within a ritual context. However, in an attempt to show that nothing is true, it also represents the element of FIRE, though only in one of Hugh Everett’s multiple Universes on a Friday evening, just after 9pm. 
This confusion is brought about by the action of quantum uncertainty which, as we all know, can cause a great deal of chaos amongst those people for whom the concept of certainty forms the very foundation of their reality. For the rest of us, we can thank the gods that these people don't actually know what to do with all this chaos they've suddenly found.
The wand can be used to consecrate cakes, direct the energy of the Universe into anything that needs it directing into and can also be used as a flaming torch on nights when you have run out of candles. However you decide to use it, use it consistently or it will use you!

The Athame

The Athame, or the 'now that's what I call a knife!', as it is known in some quarters is the elemental weapon of FIRE, or it could be AIR due to.....well see above. The Athame can be used to invoke and banish pentagrams, consecrate wine - making sure you lick off the residue afterwards or it stains like hell, form magick circles and spheres and do a multitude of other things that, for the life of me I can't recall at the moment. One thing that you cannot do, traditionally, is to cut anything with it. There is a very good reason for this, but I'm not going to tell you, for if I did you would have learned nothing.

The Cup

The cup, or as it is known in posh circles - the Chalice is the elemental weapon of WATER. This attribution is readily agreed upon by most witches, as to disagree would mean an inability to drink copious amounts of red wine within magick circles. It can be used to scry into or to hold copious amounts of red wine. (my preference!)

The Pentacle

The Pentacle represents the element of EARTH, and has got six very nice non-precious stones fixed to it as part of its design. This is due to the earthy nature of these stones and by no means suggests that they are necessary. You decide for yourself. You can use the pentacle for holding cakes when they need to be consecrated and for many other incredibly useful tasks, the mere mention of which would cause panic, chaos and jealousy at the thought that you may not have one. 



The Lamp

The lamp is the elemental weapon of spirit and is vitally important in quantum witchcraft, for without it you wouldn't be able to find your outdoor circle in the dark. This is mostly used to mark the position of the quantum creation clock around the magick circle during seasonal rites but can also be used to find missing ritual items when all the candles have gone out at the end of the rite.



The Sword

The sword is longer than the athame.



The Censor


 The censor is used to burn the wonderful smelling incenses that are so useful within a magickal circle, without which, the mysterious sense of other-worldliness would not necessarily exist. At a push, you can also burn things in it, such as spells, sigils and used tissues.



The Tarot Cards

The tarot cards are of course well known within occult circles as well as within other, slightly less occult circles. Their use as 'windows into the future' are well documented but since the future is a non-existent figment of most people's imagination, their use should be restricted to delving into the time that can only be described as 'now'. In this regard they are extremely useful indeed.



The Black Mirror


The black mirror, not to be confused with the very dirty mirror, is the primary tool used for scrying for the quantum witch. In it, one can peer into the very depths of chaos itself and see things that are as yet to come. You may even get a glance of your own reflection if you are very very lucky.


Other Tools

The other tools that you might find useful are candles, robes, brooms, paper, pens, eyes of newts, wings of bats and anything else that you can lay your hands on at the time.
~ Shenarah













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