Creating Reality & Awakening

I think about this a lot and I always have, or I think I have. Either way I’m thinking about it now, as I type these words and create the presence of their reality. If we do create this reality in which we reside why don’t we create it better than we do? Why don’t we create a reality in which we are always healthy, wealthy and wise?  Maybe we’re just not that good at it or maybe we cannot create reality without the help of everybody else; a consensus reality. That must be it, we create reality together, as a species and all we can do as individuals is try to use the love and peace within us to convince those who favour doubt and fear to create a better world. It’s not rocket science and makes perfect sense to me, and to you too I’d wager!

Of course there’s another way to look at this and that is to consider that we may not be able to successfully create our own reality because we are mere Avatars and it is down to our programmers to control and change it for us. Maybe our reality has programmed rules that we just cannot break because we are a part of the system. Knowing this as an eternal truth doesn’t help since we still can’t change things except our attitudes. Hence enlightened beings still have to get on with life.

So if we are in effect living in a programmed virtual world and are the products of our programmer that could be referred to as our Higher Self it would seem that we have forgotten that fact. Total immersion!  This also brings up the question of whether we all have individual programmers or whether we share the skills of just one. Can we communicate with our programmer to request changes to the code and if so how might we do that?
Here’s another thought which might better be illustrated through the use of a tall tale:

Thousands of years ago on Earth there was an advanced civilisation, not unlike our own in many ways. Despite its advanced nature it still suffered from an inability to stop the fear and hatred that seemed prevalent.  However, over time number of peopled started to awaken to the possibility of a better reality. One in which Love was the main currency rather than Fear and that materialism was not the best choice for a healthy existence. They could see this clearly in their hearts and minds and couldn’t understand why everyone else couldn’t. Perhaps they were enlightened.

Eventually the numbers of awakening and awakened beings increased in numbers and there came a turning point when something happened; something monumental. This event caused a separation between those who lived by Love and those who lived by Fear. The awakened ones transcended to a higher plane of existence, letting go of their physical bodies while the rest were destroyed by warfare and seemingly natural disasters.

Time past and the remnants of this civilisation were covered up by Mother Earth who was far too embarrassed to allow anyone else in the Universe to know what had happened. Meanwhile the Ascended Ones explored their new realms and enjoyed a life of peace and freedom. After a while they began to regret that they couldn’t save the rest of Humanity, that maybe if they had awakened sooner things might have been different. They mused and the wondered and on some level they wondered what material life would have been like if things had gone differently. So they made a decision to find out. They banded together and, using the vast power of their collective minds, they created a virtual replica of the Earth and created all the same things that they remembered from the original model but in an early form of development. They then created virtual humans to populate it and transferred their consciousness into each of these avatars. They needed to see how a world which developed from enlightened beings would work out and so there was a need for each avatar to have no knowledge of the reality from which it came. It needed to develop naturally within its new environment.

And so Earth mark 2 was born. All life made the best of the resources and lived in harmony with nature and things were good, for a time. Then one day something happened. Someone within the system became enlightened to what was really going on. They knew that their life was an illusion and that ‘real’ existence came from another unseen dimension. In a sense you might even say that they ate some fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Thus spirituality and inevitably, religion, was born. From this point on, people began to think that they were no longer a part of nature but were, instead, apart from it. They could abuse it and have as much resources as they wanted. No reason not to since they would have a better life when they died and returned to their ‘real’ lives. It made perfect sense.

This went for thousand of years and nobody ever knew the truth though many developed their own beliefs as to what it was all about. Some even realised that this other reality did exist but something within still kept them on the path of love and peace. The rest seemed to fall into the same old trap of fear, greed and materialism. The time was approaching to end the experiment so there came a time when all the avatars would need to choose between aligning themselves with Love or Fear. Then an event occurred which would see those who followed love would ascend to a different level of existence while those who followed fear would see their world destroyed with war and seemingly natural disasters………..To Be Continued!

As an afterthought this story might suggest that this process goes on time after imaginary time in some kind of cycle. So those who awaken and ascend do not return to original source but instead move further away from it as further, infinitely regressed worlds are created. There is the other view that when the choice comes and ascension comes it’s just Game Over and we all return to source and start again. Or maybe try something completely different.
The day will come soon when we may well find out.



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