The Fractal Universe

I have posted many ideas concerning the nature of the Universe and the following is merely a distillation of recent thought encountered during a number of meditation sessions. Previous ideas have centred on the idea that the conscious awareness of the Universe exists in only one place at a time and moves very very quickly throughout the manifest Universe and creates the illusion of separateness within life as we know it.

These thoughts, along with the holographic Universe theory have occupied my thoughts for some time now though I am now beginning to see things in a slightly different way.  The wonderful Simpsons opening in which Homer sees the holographic/Fractal nature of the universe should be viewed on the main group page and this compares very nicely to some of the Mandelbrot zoom videos available on the internet which I have also posted on the main page.

I do in fact believe that this is actually the way things are in the Universe and all my deep meditations confirm this. What is not clear from the Mandelbrot zoom is the idea that the start and end points are not merely identical in nature but identical in actuality. You start and stop at the same place as the entire Universe is contained within a doughnut-shaped continuum or pathway. (The Cosmic Daonut!)

Within this continuum, the creative and conscious energies of the Cosmic Mind (God, Tao, Higher Self etc), travel through the entirety of manifested reality. Macrocosm and microcosm blend in one harmonic dance of Yin and Yang. In the Mandelbrot zoom, wherever you start doesn’t really matter as you travel through the inside curve of the Daonut and find yourself back at you starting point.

The position occupied by the Cosmic Mind must be the point where the whole shape of the Universe can be seen. From there the energy moves through the continuum and enters every possible point in the Universe creating a ‘personal pathway’ to the mind of the Universe for each one of us. If we try to look outside ourselves for meaning, all we see is the Macrocosm and our lonely little path. The trick to finding meaning is to look inwards and into the Microcosm as this takes us directly into the mind of the Universe and thus ‘Oneness’.

When we meditate, our focus tends to be pulled towards external things as we are influenced ad bombarded by random thoughts from other conscious pathways. This is a kind of leakage from the individual strands of awareness in the Universe and we can easily be tempted to believe that they are our own thoughts (as in dreams). They are not and the more we pull away from them and focus on the here and the now the more we approach the pure consciousness flowing directly into us from the Divine.



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