
Here are some ideas I have concerning the term ‘Energy’ as it applies in spitituality. The Universe does not contain energy, the Universe IS energy. Everything that exists is composed of vibrating energies. The type of ‘stuff’ that comprises the various parts of the Universe can be said to be differentiated by the frequency of the vibration of the energy from which it is comprised.

The lower the frequency of vibration, the more dense is the stuff of the Universe and the higher the frequency, the less dense it will be. So the energy which makes up a brick wall will have a lower frequency (vibration) than the energy which makes up chicken soup.

Spiritual practices focus mainly on ‘raising’ the energy of the psyche in order to be closer to the divine source, however it may be imagined. This ‘raising’ is to do with increasing the frequency of our personal energy rather than the notion of moving energy upwards, as in the raising of the Kundalini, which only provides an illusion of movement due to the progressive activation of upwardly positioned energy centres known as Chakras.

Since the highest vibrations come from the divine source it follows that the higher your own rate of vibration the closer you can get to this source. To constantly have very low vibrations is to be closer in your attachment to the material world.

Energy can also be poor in quality and can have missing ‘beats’ like palpitations in the heart and this energy is bad for the body and mind. In Taoism it is called sha chi as opposed to shen chi, which is good energy. It is interesting to note that if your chicken soup, mentioned earlier, was made from a battery chicken who lived and died horribly then the meat will have a poor vibration which will effect your own energy when you consume it. Masaru Emoto has done some interesting experiments showing how the energy intention of the human mind can disrupt the energy of water creating odd patterns in its crystalline structure. His book ‘The Hidden Message in Water’ is worth a read.
Going back to chakras and kundalini, there are many energy centres in the body which are positioned to service particular areas of the body. The seven main ones that we are concerned with here are probably well known to you so I will not go into them here, suffice it to say that the ones we need to focus on in this discussion are the base, third eye and crown chakras. The raising of the kundalini starts with rooting yourself to the earth energies through the base chakra. This needs to be done to stop yourself from losing yourself completely once the crown has activated. So your base needs to vibrate in harmony with the earth. The rest of the chakras are the vibrated at increasingly higher rates until the third eye is reached. This chakra controls the pineal gland within the brain.

The pineal gland is pine shaped (hence the name) and contains within, similar receptors that are found in the eyes and are designed to receive images, even though they receive no light. They are used in dreaming and other forms of imaginative vision work. Once this chakra is vibrating at the correct frequency, the crown activates which opens up communication to the rest of the holographic Universe and ‘oneness’ with the divine source can be achieved. As each chakra starts to vibrate in turn, there is a sense that something is moving upwards, hence the raising of the kundalini.

One more interesting thought concerns the aura, or astral body. This is an ethereal replica of the body which generally occupies the same space as the physical body. This is because it is the forerunner of the physical body; its template if you will. I call it the non local quantum waveform possibility of the physical body. When you look at the world from the quantum perspective you will see that the physical world only really exists in the form that we recognise due to the interaction of consciousness in some form. Everything is apparently made of atoms which are made of smaller quantum elements that can exist as particles or waves. When they are particles, they form complex forms such as tables, chairs and chicken soup. When waves they are only vague wobbly energy possibilities, or probabilities, of these things. This is what the astral body is like and only exists when it is not being observed. This is why you can only see it when you don’t look at it!

Something to think about!



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