Rippling Waters

I was driving to work the other day when I started to have thoughts of quantum entanglement and observer created realities (as you do!), when I began to focus in on the idea that the manifest Universe consists of energetic waves of possibilities until acted upon by a conscious observer.  It’s funny what you do to pass the time on boring car journeys!

So my thoughts went like this:

Quantum mechanics has been known to suggest that there is an uncertainty aspect to reality which seems to suggest that, although we seem to know that everything is made of atoms, and therefore quantum particles, this only seems to be true when reality is being observed.  When it isn’t, then it is more of a fuzzy wave of energy which contains the possibility (or probability) of reality. This has been shown by the famous double slit experiment, (which is quite cool).  It was also suggested in the famous thought experiment of Schrodinger’s cat.  Though I do have issues with that particular concept!

So the idea is that things are just waves until we look at them, when the wave form collapses and becomes a whole bunch of particles.  I decided that maybe things don’t actually exist as waves OR particle but wave AND particle at the same time. Instead, maybe reality is actually a multi dimensional wave of energy which, when observed by consciousness acting from within a body which is trapped in three dimensional space-time, merely observes a cross section of the wave which, because of limited perception, appears as three dimensional particles. This interaction would also cause a reaction on the wave front which would send ripples out in other directions.

One can consider a ball which is dropped onto the surface of a calm lake. This creates waves on the surface which ripple outwards. Imagine that this ball, which represents our creative entity, can now focus its awareness onto any part of the rippling area that exists, and when it does this it is as though another much smaller ball suddenly appears on the surface of the water. This smaller ball is our consciousness, which thinks it is unique, and which interacts with the wave, causes a reaction and reflects smaller ripples in other directions. The smaller ball only perceives a small cross section of the wave front but that is what reality seems to be from its own perspective.  

When the large ball stops projecting the smaller one, it disappears and the wave continues onwards. The big ball is the supreme source, or god or Wu Chi or whatever you want to call it and there are many many smaller balls which represent ordinary life.

Thinking continues…..



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