Thanks for the Memory

What is the nature of memory? We can lose it, temporarily or permanently. We can become confused as to what happened when and we can have false memories implanted. How much of whom we are as apparent individuals is the result of our memories? All good questions and I wish I could recall the answers!

That said, I find the need to express some more of my inner ramblings.  Now I’m no expert with regards to the workings of the brain where memories are concerned, or where anything is concerned as it happens, but I can think about these things, and this is what I am thinking right now:

What if our memories are not stored in our brains but in the place where they are created and the way we recall them is through quantum entanglement? Perhaps our brains actually store a large lookup table which contains entangled particles which in turn lead to the actual memory.  

When our memories become confused it may be because some of these ‘lookup particles’ have themselves become entangled causing the wrong memory to be accessed. When we lose our memories is may be because the ‘lookup particles’ are contained within cells that have died off so the particles return to dark energy and become disentangled.

Sometimes when we forget something we find that going to the place where we were supposed to be enables us to re-access the memory embedded in the location’s particle field and so ‘jog’ our memories. Other people could also access these memories is sensitive enough, hence psychics who use techniques such as psychometry.  Let us not forget the phenomenon of ghosts which could also represent stored memories.

There may also be a repository where all group memories are stored which we automatically become entangled with at birth. These may contain instinctual memories and other stuff needed for our current existence – like a basic operating system.




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