Movements of Darkness and Light
Ever since I was first introduced to the subject of entanglement I have been enthralled by the possibilities it presented regarding the nature of reality. In a post in a Facebook group I was told by someone who appeared to know about these things, that entanglement didn’t really exist as such and anything like it only applied to photons. This led me to think about it and, along with other ideas I had been playing around with concerning the nature of things, my thoughts came out thus:
If entanglement were true and all matter (energy) in the Universe originated from a singularity the size of a pea (ish) then all matter is already entangled and so wouldn’t be identified as a phenomenon. If not true then there’s something else going on and I need to look deeper.
If true, but not all matter is entangled, then there is matter in the Universe that didn’t come from the singularity so maybe the singularity is actually a doorway through which matter (energy) is constantly flowing into our reality. I am not convinced by this idea.
So, photons? Light. Light and dark. Let there be light…………
The Universe is conscious and we are this consciousness observing itself. But perhaps consciousness does not exist everywhere in the Universe. Let’s say the Universe is composed of light matter and dark matter (energy) and the real difference between them is that consciousness only occupies the light matter. (We are beings of light). Also, only light matter is entangled because it is consciousness that causes entanglement. This makes sense as anything containing the One must be connected to.
All new life gets the matter/energy needed for growth from the pool of dark matter/energy which immediately becomes entangled. When death occurs, the consciousness leaves and the body eventually returns to the dark realms and entanglement ends.
To be continued……
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