Movements of Darkness and Light part 2

My recent journey through the vastness of consciousness has prompted me to continue to write down the results of my inner babbles. Please join me and feel free to throw in an idea or two, or even call me a mad dreamer. It’s all good! Many of you will be familiar with the Flower of Life and its development from the One. The above image is meant to represent the ‘complete’ FoL in a 3 dimensional sphere and it contains many secrets. More on that later. For now let’s look at the Vesica Pisces. This is the first movement of consciousness as it starts to experience itself. This is formed when Oneness projects its consciousness away from itself and creates a second point of awareness and although this second point is still part of the One, it thinks it is separate and individual as this is the only way to obtain perspective. If you imagine that the point of consciousness in the centre of the circle (really a sphere) is a pebble dropped into a pool of water then...