
Showing posts from 2011

Movements of Darkness and Light part 2

My recent journey through the vastness of consciousness has prompted me to continue to write down the results of my inner babbles. Please join me and feel free to throw in an idea or two, or even call me a mad dreamer. It’s all good! Many of you will be familiar with the Flower of Life and its development from the One. The above image is meant to represent the ‘complete’ FoL in a 3 dimensional sphere and it contains many secrets. More on that later. For now let’s look at the Vesica Pisces. This is the first movement of consciousness as it starts to experience itself.  This is formed when Oneness projects its consciousness away from itself and creates a second point of awareness and although this second point is still part of the One, it thinks it is separate and individual as this is the only way to obtain perspective.  If you imagine that the point of consciousness in the centre of the circle (really a sphere) is a pebble dropped into a pool of water then...


Reiki is a hands on healing technique. The word ‘Reiki’ means ‘Universal life energy’ in Japanese and can be broken down into ‘Rei’ meaning spiritual awareness and ‘ki’ meaning the life energy which runs throughout the Universe. Reiki utilises the Universal life force that is present in and around all living things and channels it through the practitioner to the person receiving the treatment. It is not associated with any religious beliefs and only requires an acceptance of the intentions of loving Universal energies and a desire to heal others with an open heart. The practitioner does not need to purposely channel the energy whilst practicing Reiki as the healing energy automatically goes to where it is most needed – the Universe know best! This means that the practitioner is not actually a healer but merely a willing channel for healing energy. This also means that since there is a mingling of energies, the practitioner will themselves benefit from the healing. It also means tha...

Sim City 42

The programmer sits at the keyboard and types, Creating the code with his bits and his bytes. The Avatar moves with a simple command, Creating its world with the move of a hand. It moves and it thinks as it lives day by day, Dreaming the dream; the American way. But it's all just a scam; a hoax of a kind, Dreamt up from the depths of a programmer's mind. The Architect sits with her keyboard within, Creating the world with Her Yang and Her Yin. With Ten Thousand Things She spreads out Her waves, The world of the Quantum; strange how it behaves! In the blink of an eye, come atoms and cells, Myriad things filled with heavens and hells. And a man working hard in the days and the nights, Creating the code with his bits and his bytes.... Shenarah

The Illusion of Movement

On a number of occasions I have come across the argument that movement is impossible. It goes something like this: In order to move ten feet you first have to move half that distance which is 5 feet. But in order to move five feet you need to move two and a half feet. But in order to move……etc. So in order to move any distance it follows that yo u must always move half the distance first and since you can go on infinitely having the numbers it follows that you can never begin to move so movement must be impossible. Is this true or is it merely a thought exercise?  Maybe movement itself is a thought exercise! So I ramble on, as is my want… Imagine a lighted candle. Now, with a small pair of tweezers on which is fitted a small wick, you snuff out the flame. As this happens the small wick catches fire producing a flame which you carry over to a new candle. The flame lasts just long enough to light this new candle then extinguishes. So to the observer you are mov...

Thanks for the Memory

What is the nature of memory? We can lose it, temporarily or permanently. We can become confused as to what happened when and we can have false memories implanted. How much of whom we are as apparent individuals is the result of our memories? All good questions and I wish I could recall the answers! That said, I find the need to express some m ore of my inner ramblings.  Now I’m no expert with regards to the workings of the brain where memories are concerned, or where anything is concerned as it happens, but I can think about these things, and this is what I am thinking right now: What if our memories are not stored in our brains but in the place where they are created and the way we recall them is through quantum entanglement? Perhaps our brains actually store a large lookup table which contains entangled particles which in turn lead to the actual memory.   When our memories become confused it may be because some of these ‘lookup particles’ have thems...

Movements of Darkness and Light

Ever since I was first introduced to the subject of entanglement I have been enthralled by the possibilities it presented regarding the nature of reality. In a post in a Facebook group I was told by someone who appeared to know about these things, that entanglement didn’t really exist as such and anything like it only applied to photons. This led m e to think about it and, along with other ideas I had been playing around with concerning the nature of things, my thoughts came out thus: If entanglement were true and all matter (energy) in the Universe originated from a singularity the size of a pea (ish) then all matter is already entangled and so wouldn’t be identified as a phenomenon.  If not true then there’s something else going on and I need to look deeper. If true, but not all matter is entangled, then there is matter in the Universe that didn’t come from the singularity so maybe the singularity is actually a doorway through which matter (energy) is constan...

Magic Eyes, awakenings and quantum leaps

‘You have eyes yet you cannot see’. I’m not sure where that quote comes from but it is so true on many different levels. For years now, I have accepted the ideas connected with the wave/particle oddity that exists at the quantum level and how it leads to the notion of an observer created reality, and I still do. Now I feel I have gained a leap f orward in my understanding of how this might work. This realisation came in the form of a small enlightenment moment I recently had concerning Magic Eye images and this all came about by pure accident. Or did it? It can be fascinating to trace an idea back to its source, winding your way through myriad causes and effects and I would have to say that my realisations seemed to start with one of my Facebook friends mentioning the subject of Sacred Geometry, and I wish to thank her for planting this seed. I realised that although I had studied many things throughout my life which were connected to metaphysics and spirituality that I ha...

Creating Reality & Awakening

I think about this a lot and I always have, or I think I have. Either way I’m thinking about it now, as I type these words and create the presence of their reality. If we do create this reality in which we reside why don’t we create it better than we do? Why don’t we create a reality in which we are always healthy, wealthy and wise?  Maybe we’re  just not that good at it or maybe we cannot create reality without the help of everybody else; a consensus reality. That must be it, we create reality together, as a species and all we can do as individuals is try to use the love and peace within us to convince those who favour doubt and fear to create a better world. It’s not rocket science and makes perfect sense to me, and to you too I’d wager! Of course there’s another way to look at this and that is to consider that we may not be able to successfully create our own reality because we are mere Avatars and it is down to our programmers to control and change it for us. ...

Rippling Waters

I was driving to work the other day when I started to have thoughts of quantum entanglement and observer created realities (as you do!), when I began to focus in on the idea that the manifest Universe consists of energetic waves of possibilities until acted upon by a conscious observer.  It’s funny what you do to pass the time on boring car journeys! So my thoughts went like this: Quantum mechanics has been known to suggest that there is an uncertainty aspect to reality which seems to suggest that, although we seem to know that everything is made of atoms, and therefore quantum particles, this only seems to be true when reality is being observed.  When it isn’t, then it is more of a fuzzy wave of energy which contains the possibility (or probability) of reality. This has been shown by the famous double slit experiment, (which is quite cool).  It was also suggested in the famous thought experiment of Schrodinger’s cat.  Though I do have issues with that ...


Here are some ideas I have concerning the term ‘Energy’ as it applies in spitituality. The Universe does not contain energy, the Universe IS energy. Everything that exists is composed of vibrating energies. The type of ‘stuff’ that comprises the various parts of the Universe can be said to be differentiated by the frequency of the vibration of the  energy from which it is comprised. The lower the frequency of vibration, the more dense is the stuff of the Universe and the higher the frequency, the less dense it will be. So the energy which makes up a brick wall will have a lower frequency (vibration) than the energy which makes up chicken soup. Spiritual practices focus mainly on ‘raising’ the energy of the psyche in order to be closer to the divine source, however it may be imagined. This ‘raising’ is to do with increasing the frequency of our personal energy rather than the notion of moving energy upwards, as in the raising of the Kundalini, which only prov...

The Fractal Universe

I have posted many ideas concerning the nature of the Universe and the following is merely a distillation of recent thought encountered during a number of meditation sessions. Previous ideas have centred on the idea that the conscious awareness of the Universe exists in only one place at a time and moves very very quickly throughout the manifest Un iverse and creates the illusion of separateness within life as we know it. These thoughts, along with the holographic Universe theory have occupied my thoughts for some time now though I am now beginning to see things in a slightly different way.  The wonderful Simpsons opening in which Homer sees the holographic/Fractal nature of the universe should be viewed on the main group page and this compares very nicely to some of the Mandelbrot zoom videos available on the internet which I have also posted on the main page. I do in fact believe that this is actually the way things are in the Universe and all my dee...