Retroactive Enchantment

Many years ago, after watching the movie ‘The Butterfly Effect’ I considered the notion of retroactive enchantment. It would work like this:
On a day to day basis you would write journals of the events of that day and you would meditate in order to create ‘gaps’ or blackouts in your personal awareness, which you would then document. You could also create these blackouts just before making important decisions that could potentially be life changing. At some future point you could do your ‘magick’ by meditaing on a particular gap from your ‘grimoire’ that occured prior to something you wanted to change. For example, just before you did the lottery. You could go back with the knowledge of what the winning numbers were and use those instead of the losing ones that you actually chose. Now, according to the Itladian paradigm as put forward by Anthony Peake, there might actually be the possibility of doing this. To explain:
As mentioned in my note ‘Timeslides’ the Itladian paradigm suggests that on death, the part of us that remembers everything we have ever done and which generates the 3D holographic reality we inhabit, takes us back to the start of our life to live it again, but hopefully with changes. If we don’t actually die because we are experiencing a near death moment, we fast forward back to our present time as our life passes before us and we wake up. We are ‘tethered’ to our currwnt life point. Perhaps we can chose which part of our life to go back to.
In ‘The Butterfly Effect’ Ashton Kutcher’ actually does this consciously in order to change things in his past, but with disasterous consequences and I feel that to achieve it in reality would be equally problematic, but for other reasons. Suppose you wish to go back to just before you played the lottery last week? So you look through your book for the nearest blackout prior to chosing your numbers, (which were the losing ones). You do your little mind jump back into the timeslide with knowledge of the right numbers and chose them instead. Your past self will think you somehow just know what the numebrs are. You then rush back through time to your current time, but unlike Kutcher, who’s changed past catches up with him, you find that nothing has changed. This is because you created a tangent universe in which you won the lottery as described by the physicist Hugh Everett in his multi-universe theory, but because you are tethered to your living self in current time, you return to the reality in which you didn’t win the lottery. As a side note this is why ‘Back to the Future II’ got it wrong!
The only way to remain in the new universe is to die in your current one, just as when you die in the Itladian paradigm you remain in your new universe. Herein lies a problem. If you were to go back and died during the process, but did so prior to making the change, (e.g. use new lottery numbers), your tether would sever and you would lose your future memories, which would includeanything about why you were there. In fact it would seem like a blackout. Your life would continue from there without you remebering anything different. You would reach the point in time were you decided to go back in time to win the lottery and do it all again and would be stuck in an infinite time loop. That is, unless your Daemon was good enough to step in and nudge you a bit. 
The only way to be successful would be to ensure that you die right after making the changes. 
Not sure how you would manage that, so probably best not to try, eh!



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