Gnostic Luciferianism

Gnostic Luciferianism All of reality is One Divine Essence manifesting as particular diverse forms in a massive web of dynamic interdependency. All that manifests may be understood as patterns of energetic vibration, from common objects to spiritual beings. This Divine Essence is experienced as pure consciousness as consciousness pervades all experiential existence. There is no separation between the spiritual and the physical. This Divine unity in diversity is embodied beautifully in Levi's art depicting Baphomet and in the Hermetic maxim of "That which is above is like that which is below to achieve the wonder of the One thing." As there is no separation between material and spiritual, scientifically verifiable natural laws are Divine Laws part of the Divine Will, and science a tool for us to better know and refine spiritual knowledge and destroy illusions. The diverse forms the Divine energy manifestations includes ourselves and the beings we variously call specific d...