
Showing posts from 2018

Retroactive Enchantment

Many years ago, after watching the movie ‘The Butterfly Effect’ I considered the notion of retroactive enchantment. It would work like this: On a day to day basis you would write journals of the events of that day and you would meditate in order to create ‘gaps’ or blackouts in your personal awareness, which you would then document. You could also create these blackouts just before making important decisions that could potentially be life changing. At some future point you could do your ‘magick’ by meditaing on a particular gap from your ‘grimoire’ that occured prior to something you wanted to change. For example, just before you did the lottery. You could go back with the knowledge of what the winning numbers were and use those instead of the losing ones that you actually chose. Now, according to the Itladian paradigm as put forward by Anthony Peake, there might actually be the possibility of doing this. To explain: As mentioned in my note ‘Timeslides’ the Itladian pa...


The more I read about, and consider the wonderful ideas presented by Anthony Peake concerning life after death, the more they fit in with the kind of ideas I have pondered over the years. This ‘ITLADian’ paradigm makes more and more sense the deeper into the rabbit hole I dare to venture. With this in mind, here a a couple of ideas that I have been playing about with that supplements the ones presented in Anthony’s wonderful books.    It has occured to me on numerous occasions that our perception of time is dependent on a number of factors, not least of which is how aware we are of the present moment. Zen Buddhists and writers such as Eckhart Tolle suggest that we should attempt to ‘live in the now’, or the present moment, but what is the ‘now’ and how long does it last? Well it seems that the present moment lasts as long as you can remain fully aware of it, after which it slips away with the coming of inevitable distraction. This means that when attempting to remain...