The Time of Death

We all think about death from time to time, especially when there are far more years behind us than in front. What happens to us when the reaper finally takes our hand and leads us through the mysterious door that separates life from not-life. Do we go to heaven, Hell, The Summerlands or some place else? Perhaps our energies blend into a Cosmic One-ness. Maybe we are reincarnated into another body? Does any of it make sense to a mind that cannot comprehend the possibility of non-existence? I became a Buddhist for about 9 months back in 2013 and worked with a group of Tibetan Buddhists of the Vajrayana sect and one of their techniques was a meditation practice called Phowa which is defined as 'The practice of conscious dying'. Although I never went on the course designed to teach this, (It cost too much!), those I spoke to who participated always said that the technique removed any fear of dying that they had previously had. That it was a method of transfe...