
Showing posts from 2016

The Cycle of the Seasons staring at Yule

From out of the darkness the light does appear. As it starts on the path to make our life clear. The dark of the night is losing its strength, As the light of the day increases in length. The face of the land is wiping its eyes, As the season of winter says its goodbyes. And the wheel of the year begins its slow turn, Controlled by the hunter, that some will call Herne. And Herne is just one of the faces of He, Sent to us here from the one who is She. The seeds of creation have taken their place, In the hearts and the minds of all throughout space. The season is changing as spring does appear, As the darkness of winter has shed its last tear. The life in the soil will push its way through, While animals think about mating anew. The spin of the wheel is gaining in speed, As the life in the soil awakens from seed. And while Pan gently plays. Through the nights and the days. We'll follow His lead, O Pan, Great Pan! The returning light is brightening my ...

What is Wicca

This is a definition of Wicca as understood by initiated, lineaged Wiccans. Wicca is: An Orthopraxic, Oathbound, Initiatory, Mystery-based, Experiential,Coven-based, Fertility-focused, Ditheistic Witch-cult whose members are all Clergy within a Lineaged Tradition. A mouthful, if there ever was one! Let's break it down further into individual components. Orthopraxic: There are two kinds of religion. One is orthodoxic - meaning 'correct belief'. If you believe the right things, you qualify as a member of that faith. The second is orthopraxic - literally, this is 'right practice'. If you know the right way to do things within that faith, and you do them,you're a member of that faith. Wicca is Orthopraxic. There are no defining beliefs in Wicca - what defines the religion is the methods and means of its' practices. Because of this there is no belief or beliefs one can hold that can make you a Wiccan. Even within a coven, ini...

Magickal Musings

  Life, the Universe and Everything In order to fully understand and engage with any system of religion or magick, it is necessary to have an understanding, in your own mind, of how reality functions, for if you do not, then how can you hope to manipulate it? You might well drive a car without any knowledge of its inner workings but if it does stop functioning you really need some knowledge in order to get it to work again. So our starting point will be a discussion on how the Universe works, how it might have come into existence and where the Gods and other non physical entities fit into the scheme of things. Here we find our first stumbling block, and we having even started yet! However, this stumbling block easily crumbles when faced with the flexible mind, which I'm sure you must possess. I have studied many different belief systems and, along with discoveries from quantum physics (don't panic!), have been able to come to the very liberating conclusion that:...

The Time of Death

We all think about death from time to time, especially when there are far more years behind us than in front. What happens to us when the reaper finally takes our hand and leads us through the mysterious door that separates life from not-life. Do we go to heaven, Hell, The Summerlands or some place else? Perhaps our energies blend into a Cosmic One-ness. Maybe we are reincarnated into another body? Does any of it make sense to a mind that cannot comprehend the possibility of non-existence? I became a Buddhist for about 9 months back in 2013 and worked with a group of Tibetan Buddhists of the Vajrayana sect and one of their techniques was a meditation practice called Phowa which is defined as 'The practice of conscious dying'. Although I never went on the course designed to teach this, (It cost too much!), those I spoke to who participated always said that the technique removed any fear of dying that they had previously had. That it was a method of transfe...